why do i need a lawyer?
why do i need a lawyer?


Reasons why you need a lawyer for your family and business


5/11/20244 min read



A lawyer is minister in the temple of justice and an officer of the court. The work of a lawyer requires expertise and professionalism. Where it’s a matter of mandatory necessity to employ the service of a lawyer (like drafting of Wills), it’s reasonable not to act to the contrary. Law is complicated and difficult to apply. It may not be easy for a non lawyer to apply the law. You need to hire a lawyer to save yourself the stress of engaging in an empty voyage.

 Mergers and Acquisitions

The term mergers and acquisitions refer broadly to the process of one company combining with one another. In an acquisition, one company purchases the other outright. The acquired firm does not change its legal name or structure but is now owned by the parent company.

A merger is the combination of two firms, which subsequently form a new legal entity under the banner of one corporate name. A company lawyer can handle this area very well.

 Estate Planning

Property lawyers are very good in estate management and displays expertise to satisfy the need of their client starting from the time of inspection of the estate to conclusion of deals.  Estate planning means protecting one’s assets for the future. It helps you pre-decide what happens to your property if you are incapacitated or dead. If you want to manage your estate without fear, better contact a property lawyer.

 Family Issues

Family law lawyers are very good in handling divorce issues and can help parties in a marriage settle their dispute amicably even before approaching the court. They are experts in matrimonial issues and command Statutes.


 See, adoption is not the same with house help procurement. People employ house- help any how they wish without any restriction by the law. But for adoption, you must  follow the procedure provided  by the law otherwise such adoption will be invalid and dead on arrival.

 Criminal issue

There is maximum need for anyone charged with criminal offense to employ the service of a lawyer. Criminal charge is not a procedure for recovery of damages but for punishment and has always been a serious matter in the court and takes priority over civil matters. For people who cannot afford to hire an attorney, there are government-appointed attorneys called public defenders who can handle their case. A defendant who refuses the service of a lawyer may land himself in prison if he fails to defend himself as required by law.

 You are injured by a defective product.

Do not be afraid to go to court when need arises. You should know that a court of law is a place for recovery of justice and not for celebration of injustice and bitterness. Always be at alert to know when you have a good case. Assuming you are injured by an expired product and you are not aware at the time of buying the product and thereafter, don’t be afraid to approve a lawyer to sue a hell out of the seller. It’s a good case and can attract substantial damages against the seller.

 Professional Negligence

Profession negligence is actionable in a court of law. Every professional owes a duty of care to their client and is expected to offer their services to a high standard with reasonable skill and care. So when a professional fails to meet the standards expected of them – or is perceived to have failed to meet them by a client – a claim for professional negligence may arise.


Most families hire a probate lawyer to deal with all of the issues involved in the processing of the probate. Probate is the legal and financial process that occurs after the death of an individual and specifically deals with the individual’s will, property, and assets. It refers to the general administering of a deceased person's will or the estate of a deceased person without a will. In most cases, an executor is named in the deceased’s will. While they can be a private citizen, it’s typically a lawyer.

 Contract Drafting

Lawyers are good in legal drafting. Anytime you need to draft or negotiate a contract - whether with a customer, employee, or supplier - it’s important that you have a lawyer present to help with any legality. A contract that hasn’t been approved by a lawyer can quickly cause problems. It’s your job to run a business, not memorize the rules - and if you try to do the contract yourself, you’ll likely miss a few things that could get you in big trouble down the road.

 Business Incorporation

The CAC now has an online portal, which individuals can use to search for and reserve a business name or you can walk into any of the CAC offices and obtain the Reservation of name form. This will let you know if your desired business name is available. However, Lawyers consider the necessary provisions of the law before commencing registration of business name.

Can a minor be a Proprietor?

A minor is a person who is under the age of eighteen (18).  A minor can be a proprietor in a registered business individually or in partnership with another adult, provided that in registering the business name, he/she gets an attestation from a magistrate, legal practitioner, or a police officer of or above the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police.


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