The Role of the Federal Government in Land Allocation under the Land Use Act

This article explores the role of the federal government in land allocation under the Land Use Act in Nigeria. It discusses the ownership of land, allocation of public land, control of land use, land planning and management, and dispute resolution. Understanding the role of the federal government in land allocation is crucial for the effective management and utilization of land resources in the country.


5/11/20242 min read

a man in a small boat on a large body of water
a man in a small boat on a large body of water


The Land Use Act is a crucial legislation in Nigeria that governs the allocation and management of land. Under this Act, the federal government plays a significant role in the process of land allocation. This article aims to explore and explain the role of the federal government in land allocation under the Land Use Act.

Understanding the Land Use Act

The Land Use Act was enacted in 1978 and is applicable to all lands in Nigeria, except those owned by the federal government. The Act gives the federal government the power to control and manage land allocation in the country.

Role of the Federal Government

The federal government has several key roles in land allocation under the Land Use Act:

1. Ownership of Land

The federal government is the custodian of all lands in Nigeria, except those owned by individuals or communities. This means that the federal government has the ultimate authority over land allocation and can determine how land is used and distributed.

2. Allocation of Public Land

The federal government is responsible for allocating public land for various purposes such as infrastructure development, government projects, and public utilities. This ensures that land is utilized in the best interest of the public and for the overall development of the country.

3. Control of Land Use

Another important role of the federal government is to regulate and control the use of land. This includes determining the types of activities that can be carried out on specific parcels of land, such as residential, commercial, or industrial use. The government also has the power to revoke or modify land allocations if they are deemed to be in violation of the Act or against public interest.

4. Land Planning and Management

The federal government is responsible for land planning and management at the national level. This involves creating land use plans, zoning regulations, and development guidelines to ensure the orderly and sustainable use of land across the country. The government also oversees the implementation and enforcement of these plans and regulations.

5. Dispute Resolution

In cases of land disputes, the federal government plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts and ensuring justice. The government has established various agencies and tribunals to handle land-related disputes and provide a fair and impartial resolution process.


The federal government plays a vital role in land allocation under the Land Use Act in Nigeria. By owning, allocating, controlling, planning, and resolving disputes related to land, the government ensures the efficient and equitable use of land resources for the benefit of the nation and its citizens.