How the Land Use Act Addresses Land Allocation for Protected Areas and Conservation

This article explores how the Land Use Act in Nigeria addresses land allocation for protected areas and conservation. It highlights the significance of the act in promoting sustainable development and ensuring the preservation of our natural heritage.


5/11/20242 min read

How the Land Use Act Addresses Land Allocation for Protected Areas and Conservation
How the Land Use Act Addresses Land Allocation for Protected Areas and Conservation

Protected areas and conservation play a vital role in preserving our natural environment and ensuring the sustainability of our ecosystems. The Land Use Act, enacted in 1978, is a crucial legislation in Nigeria that governs the allocation and management of land resources. In this article, we will explore how the Land Use Act addresses land allocation for protected areas and conservation, highlighting its significance in safeguarding our natural heritage.

Understanding the Land Use Act

The Land Use Act was introduced to regulate the use and ownership of land in Nigeria. It provides a framework for land administration and management, with the aim of ensuring equitable distribution, sustainable development, and the protection of land rights. Under this act, all lands in Nigeria are vested in the state governments, and individuals or organizations can only obtain rights to use or occupy land through statutory allocation or lease.

Protected Areas and Conservation

Protected areas are designated spaces that are managed to conserve biodiversity, protect ecosystems, and preserve cultural heritage. These areas include national parks, game reserves, forest reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, and marine parks. Conservation efforts within these areas focus on preserving endangered species, maintaining ecological balance, and promoting sustainable development.

Allocation of Land for Protected Areas

The Land Use Act recognizes the importance of protected areas and conservation in maintaining ecological integrity. It provides provisions for the allocation of land specifically for protected areas. State governments have the authority to allocate land within their jurisdiction for the establishment of national parks, game reserves, and other protected areas.

When allocating land for protected areas, the Land Use Act ensures that the process is transparent, fair, and in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. It requires the involvement of relevant stakeholders, including local communities, in the decision-making process. This ensures that the interests of all parties are considered and that the allocation of land is done in a manner that promotes harmony between conservation and human activities.

Conservation and Land Use Planning

Land use planning is an essential component of conservation efforts. The Land Use Act recognizes the need for comprehensive land use planning to guide the allocation of land for various purposes, including protected areas. It emphasizes the integration of conservation objectives into land use plans, ensuring that the establishment of protected areas is aligned with broader development goals.

Through land use planning, the Land Use Act facilitates the identification of suitable areas for protected areas and conservation. It considers factors such as ecological significance, biodiversity value, and connectivity with existing protected areas. This systematic approach helps to ensure that land allocation for protected areas is based on scientific principles and long-term sustainability.


The Land Use Act plays a critical role in addressing land allocation for protected areas and conservation in Nigeria. By providing a legal framework for land administration and management, it ensures that the establishment of protected areas is done in a transparent and sustainable manner. Through its provisions, the act promotes the integration of conservation objectives into land use planning, safeguarding our natural heritage for future generations.