How Does the Land Use Act Affect Agricultural Land Use?

This article examines how the Land Use Act of 1978 influences agricultural land use in Nigeria. It delves into the Act's provisions, their effects on farming practices, rural development, and food security.


5/11/20242 min read

How Does the Land Use Act Affect Agricultural Land Use?
How Does the Land Use Act Affect Agricultural Land Use?

The Land Use Act of 1978 significantly reshaped land ownership and management in Nigeria, impacting various sectors, including agriculture. This article explores how the Act influences agricultural land use in the country and the implications for rural development and food security.

1. Conversion of Agricultural Land:

The Land Use Act empowers state governors to allocate and reallocate land within their jurisdictions. While it was intended to promote efficient land use and development, it has also facilitated the conversion of agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes, such as urban expansion and infrastructure development. This conversion has reduced the availability of arable land, impacting farming activities.

2. Insecurity of Land Tenure:

The Act's provision for "Statutory Right of Occupancy" (SRO) rather than outright ownership has created a sense of insecurity among farmers. Land tenure is less secure, and the fear of losing land due to government decisions or disputes can discourage long-term investments in agriculture. This insecurity can also affect farmers' willingness to adopt modern farming techniques and make improvements to their land.

3. Complex Land Allocation Process:

Securing land for agricultural purposes under the Land Use Act can be a bureaucratic and time-consuming process. The involvement of multiple government agencies and local authorities in the allocation process can lead to delays and challenges, hindering potential farmers from accessing land promptly. This complexity can deter individuals and organizations from engaging in agricultural activities.

4. Land-Related Disputes:

The Act's provisions can inadvertently lead to land-related disputes, particularly when customary land tenure systems coexist with statutory rights of occupancy. Conflicts over land boundaries, usage rights, and compensation can disrupt agricultural activities, jeopardizing the livelihoods of rural farming communities.

5. Impact on Rural Development:

Agriculture is a critical driver of rural development in Nigeria. The Land Use Act's influence on agricultural land use affects rural communities' economic prospects. Insecure land tenure and reduced access to farmland can lead to increased rural-urban migration as young people seek better opportunities, which, in turn, can have adverse effects on rural areas.

6. Food Security Concerns:

Nigeria faces ongoing food security challenges. The Act's influence on agricultural land use can exacerbate these concerns. Reduced access to land, coupled with insecurity of land tenure, hampers efforts to boost agricultural productivity and food production. Ensuring food security for a growing population becomes more complex in the face of these challenges.

7. Calls for Reform:

Many stakeholders in Nigeria, including agricultural organizations and policymakers, have called for a review of the Land Use Act to address its impact on agricultural land use. Proposed reforms include streamlining land allocation processes, strengthening land tenure security, and safeguarding farmland from conversion to non-agricultural uses.


The Land Use Act has profound implications for agricultural land use in Nigeria. While it was intended to promote efficient land management, it has created challenges related to land tenure security, land conversion, and rural development. Addressing these issues is essential to secure the future of agriculture in Nigeria, enhance food security, and boost rural economic development.


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